Quarashi Network Monthly Activity Report — August 2021

3 min readSep 4, 2021


Firstly it is important to us to thank our community for support and for the large number of members who participated in the Presale.

750+ Members of our community joined Quarashi Presale, which are now holding together aprox. 25000000 QUA. The Presale was a success as 95% of the target reached. The remaining 5% of QUA tokens will be reported to ICO Stage 1.

Earlier in August the Quarashi Roadmap has been updated and is available here: https://quarashi.network/#roadmap

Our Roadmap is subject to additions, as we see a demand from community for more features in our platform. We see community feedback and demand for more feature as an active interest and need for our project, Quarashi Network platform in the crypto market.

The platform has started it’s path to adoption as there are hundreds of organic downloads, over the number of participants in presale (people which had a financial interest in downloading Quarashi app)

The Quarashi Network app is available in Google Play. With it you are able to safely manage, send & receive cryptocurrencies, chat with no phone number, no email, no contact & location access and you won’t even need a SIM card in your phone.

Quarashi Multi Crypto Wallet supports Ethereum and Binance Smart Chains and you can store +9000 cryptocurrencies and add or delete custom token.

The Multi Sig Bridge Ethereum — Binance Smart Chain started development on the 20th August and is now in it’s testing phase. It will be available to our community in the following next week.

The Bridge was developed in partnership with MyWish, who’s team members are highly professional, collaborative, agile and fast-paced.

Quarashi Multi Sig Bridge

The VPN + Browser module also started development. With this module traders will be able to stay safe and private while accessing international markets, making trades harder to intercept and protected against phishing attacks, malware and viruses.

Quarashi VPN
Quarashi Browser

The Quarashi Smart contract has been verified in Etherscan and it’s social proofs have been updated.

There are now 2842 holders of QUA, Twitter community is up to +20300 and Telegram +5700.

Media mentions this month are from Coincodex, Benzinga, Market Watch, Yahoo Finance, News and Money.

ICO Stage 1 will start on 1 October 2021, with 0.04 USDT per QUA and we are already seeing registrations everyday for this stage. Holders for the ICO stages will have 70% of tokens locked according to the chart below, as ICO stages represent 35% of total supply. 30% QUA of each order will be made available immediately to it’s purchasers.

Quarashi ICO Stages Lockup & Release Schedule

Our aim is that you will use Quarashi App today and as years go by, you will be using using it even more.

For daily updates, micro milestones and developments:

Join our Telegram: https://t.me/quarashinetworkofficial

Follow us on Twitter @QuarashiN



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